Výzva Evropského úřadu pro bezpečnost potravin (EFSA) - GP/EFSA/ENCO/2020/03 - Partnering grants

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Differently from other grant initiatives, Partnering Grants aim to promote capacity building at EU level through joint initiatives between two or preferably more organisations in different Member States, Norway and Iceland, enabling knowledge and expertise transfer and/or exchange within the fields of EFSA`s remit.
For the purpose of this grant, Capacity Building is defined as an initiative that leads to the strengthening of food safety risk assessment capacity of national organisations through the transfer or exchange of knowledge, skills, competencies and abilities between partner organisations.

Partnering Grants aim to achieve:

  • Knowledge transfer between “knowledge provider” organisations, who possess risk assessment capacity and are willing to share it; and “knowledge recipient” organisations, located in different Member States, Norway and Iceland, wanting to strengthen risk assessment capacity in specific scientific domains; and/or
  • Knowledge exchange between “knowledge sharing” organisations, located in different Member States, Norway and Iceland, willing to share and acquire risk assessment capacity in specific scientific domains, thus being a collaborative activity of mutual benefit for the organisations involved.

Podíl dotace na celkových způsobilých výdajích: 50 %
Výše dotace: max. 100 000 EUR
Předkládání projektových žádostí do: 24. června 2020

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