Agri Policy Lab News

Policy Paper Advocating for Legislative Reform in Autonomous Agricultural Technologies

The Agri Policy lab has released a new innovation-focused Policy Paper 2024/07, titled "Automation in agriculture as a direction for Czechia?" The paper underscores the transformative impact of field robots on efficiency, productivity, and sustainability within the agricultural sector and signals a need for modernizing Czech agriculture by advocating for legislative reforms that unlock the true potential of autonomous technologies.

Policy Briefs vs. White/Green Papers: Understanding the Difference

Our experts from the Agri Policy Lab (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hynek Roubík and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stella Tsani) prepared a summary that can help you understand the difference between Policy Briefs, White Papers, and Green Papers. While all three documents aim to inform readers about specific topics or issues, they differ in their scope, format, and intended audience. Understanding the nuances between Policy Briefs, White papers, and Green papers is crucial for effectively communicating research findings and advocating for actionable solutions.

Policy Guidelines vs. Policies: Understanding the Difference

Our experts from the Agri Policy Lab (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hynek Roubík and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stella Tsani) prepared a summary that can help you understand the difference between Policy Guidelines and Policies. The distinction between guidelines and policies is critical within governmental and organizational structures, particularly when establishing best practices and operational protocols. While these terms are often used interchangeably, they hold distinct meanings and implications alongside other organizational directives, such as procedures and standards.

Interview with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hynek Roubík - Founder of the BRT Agri Policy Lab

The BRT is pleased to announce the development of its new initiative, the Agri Policy Lab. To get more insight into the development of this exciting new initiative, we interviewed Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hynek Roubík who is an expert in organic waste management and sustainable technologies, the leader of the Biogas Research Team (BRT) at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU), an agriculture enthusiast with a passion for his work and the second-youngest member of the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Bioeconomy platform of the Czech Republic. He does research, especially in Waste Management, Environmental and Ecological Engineering and is an editorial board member of several journals. He is also the author of over 100 peer-reviewed (indexed) research papers and was appointed one of Czechia's youngest associate professors. 

Agri Policy Lab – A new unit established within the Biogas Research Team

In January 2024, the Agri Policy Lab – a new unit established within the Biogas Research Team has been established. In a significant stride towards advancing sustainable agricultural practices, the Biogas Research Team (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague), led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hynek Roubík, has announced the establishment of the dynamic and multidisciplinary " Agri Policy Lab." Dedicated to shaping evidence-based agricultural policies, the Agri Policy Lab aims to be a catalyst for sustainable and inclusive development in the agricultural sector.