About the project

Project title: The use of modern biological tools, data sharing and user-friendly data analysis to optimize the incubation of eggs of endangered bird species in human care
Project number: SS07020438
Provider: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Programme: Environment for Life (Call 7)
Project coordinator: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague – FES
Project leader: Mgr. Martin Sládeček, Ph.D.
Project manager: Ing. Petra Málková
Project schedule: 04/2024–06/2026
Total project budget: 10 891 442 CZK (FES: 7349 346 CZK)

The project develops the methodological potential of using modern tools for monitoring egg incubation and statistical methods to increase the efficiency of ex-situ rearing of birds. The aim is to develop and test a set of tools that, when introduced into breeding practice, will increase the success of breeding, especially in hard-to-breed, often endangered species, in several ways: 1) by reducing losses in natural breeding in human care, 2) by increasing hatching success in artificial breeding, and 3) by increasing the quality of offspring from artificial breeding. The outputs of the project are designed to find a brad application in many breeding collections in the Czech Republic and abroad. They can thus make a significant contribution to the rescue of endangered species.

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