Last places available at the WEST Dormitory for autumn 2024

Are you looking for an accommodation for the next academic year? The WEST Dormitory is offering the last available places.

7th Annual Garden Fest at Czech University of Life Sciences: A Day of Fun, Learning, and Community

On Saturday, June 15, 2024, the Czech University of Life Sciences hosted its 7th Annual Garden Fest, a vibrant celebration that brought together alumni, students, staff, and supporters

Submit an abstract for the ELLS conference 2024

Submit your abstract to the student scientific conference for students from ELLS universities. The main theme of this year is 'The puzzle of Life Sciences - Add your piece' and the event will be held in November at Wageningen University & Research!

Exploring the Natural and Cultural Treasures of Czechia with the Welcome Centre

The Welcome Centre organized an unforgettable weekend excursion to the scenic wonders of Dolní Morava and the Jeseníky Mountains, held on the 25th and 26th of May