The competition is announced as a part of the project Improvement in Quality of the Internal Grant Scheme at CZU, reg. no. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/19_073/0016944, financed from the funds of Operational Programme Research, Development and Education, in the framework of ESF Call no. 02_19_073 for Improving the Quality of Internal Grant Schemes at Higher Educational Institutions in priority axis 2 OP.
UGC News
New Advanced Academic Writing courses are launched: EN6 - start 5.10.2021 (online course),? EN7 - start 9.2.2022 (online course)
Dear DSP students, the second round for UGC in classification field Engineering and Technology will be open on 2.8.2021. All important information are here.
Terms of courses Work with informationa and Databases were changed from April to June 2021.
New terms for courses Advanced Academic Writing, Communication Skills and Work with informationa and Databases were announced.
Due to technical problems of the UIS for submitting applications to UGC and in connection with the current situation due COVID 19 and restrictions at CZU workplaces, we extend the deadline for electronic and printed submission of applications until 17.12 2020, 12:00 (noon).
UGC Frequently asked questions ver. III were published. FAQ are published in Documents on page to UGC Basic informations.
UGC Frequently asked questions were published. FAQ are published in Documents on page to UGC Basic informations.
New version of UGC rules for applicants and recipients version 1.2 was published.
Changes concerning the financing of eligible costs and article dedication to the project. The applicant will not draw funds from other EU financial instruments, National programmes and other grant programmes for the eligible costs financing from UGC call. At the same time, co-financing from dedicated support for specific university research (e.g. IGA) cannot be used in solving this Student Grant. The article must be dedicated to the project. ?
The new version of table for grant budget was announced - UGC student grant budget - ver. 2
On October 1, 2020, the University Grant Competition was announced by Rector's Decision No. 22/2020. Grant applications can be submitted until 15.12.2020 by 12:00. Further information can be found here