Sdružení středoevropských a východoevropských univerzit (CASEE) bylo založeno v roce 2010 z iniciativy vídeňské zemědělské a lesnické univerzity BOKU. V současnosti CASEE sdružuje univerzity z Bulharska, České republiky, Chorvatska, Maďarska, Polska, Rumunska, Slovinska, Slovenska, Srbska, Ukrajiny a Rakouska. Cílem CASEE je podporovat a implementovat strategii Evropské Unie pro rozvoj podunajského regionu.
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Na základě spolupráce v síti CASEE vznikl v roce 2021 dvouletý projekt KA220 Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness s názvem COVIMO (
Tento projekt dal vzniku pracovní skupině Digitalisation for Life Sciences v rámci spolupráce CASEE univerzit, který se nadále věnuje rozvoji digitalizace a inovací ve vzdělávání u spolupracujících life sciences univerzit.
CZU Prague now coordinates an Erasmus+ KA2 International Project called COVIMO, which sees the COVID-19 crisis as an “opportunity window” for innovations in higher education practices. Check the project website at
Erasmus+ Programme: KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices - KA226 - Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness
Project name: COVID-19 pandemic as an "opportunity window" for the transition towards new and more inclusive internationalisation through virtual mobility
Coordinator: prof. PhDr. Michal Lošťák, Ph.D.
Budget: 299 071 EUR (consortium) / 42 225 EUR (CZU)
Project duration: 3/2021 – 3/2023
Grant: Erasmus+
Project number: 2020-1-CZ01-KA226-HE-094453
Project logo:
The pandemic COVID-19 significantly influenced education all around the world. It is also the case of tertiary education. The established practices in education were challenged and were altered in many ways. The bans on international travel and internal pandemic restriction significantly influenced the international mobility of students and internationalization in general. Under such circumstances, COVID-19, however, opened the “opportunity window” for innovations (novelties) in higher education practices. Nevertheless, every novelty takes some time to become established practice, if it happens at all. If the novelty becomes a part of “business as usual”, the innovations necessitate not only appropriate technologies but also social acceptance. The last means not to create new barriers such as different attitudes to digital technologies and their accessibility for various social groups. This project uses such an o“opportunity window”. Its main objective is to reflect and to learn from the transition towards new forms of online education among university staff and students through developing manual of best practices and reactions to pandemic in education. The forum of cooperating universities will use the synergy of such network and develop the supportive measures for the acceptance of innovative on-line forms of education among student and the staff who both are considered as the main target groups. As such the project aims to use such international forum of collaborating universities to support the inclusiveness of the students and university staff to cope with the transition to online education in general and to the concept of virtual mobility in particular. It will help the target groups to be ready for the future situation necessitating intensive use of online educational and online supportive activities. The focal point of such project objectives involves the issue of virtual mobility of students and staff within international space since the mobility as it was known before the outbreak of pandemic is ruined. It means the project aims at testing various elements of virtual mobility within the real international joint programme conducted by participating universities. The cooperation of the universities operating within different national contexts is intended to make such transition easier due to possibility of sharing the experience.
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU) - Coordinator
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)
Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW)
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (SPU Nitra)
Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences (MATE)
University of Zagreb (UNIZG)
University of Sarajevo (UNSA)
State Agrarian University of Moldova (SAUM)
University of Ljubljana (UNI-LJ)