A meeting of the International Scientific Council of CZU took place last week. The Council is established as an advisory body to the Rector of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague and the Council for Internal Evaluation to assess the strategic goals, vision, and mission of CZU, especially in the field of educational, creative, and related activities and their quality assessment. The members of the Council are internationally recognized experts with high scientific and moral credit. Last year, the meeting of the Council took place in a hybrid manner; this year, it was already possible for the members of the Council to visit CZU directly on campus.
"The International Scientific Council was particularly interested in how CZU approached the restrictions related to the Covid pandemic, how the quality of teaching was ensured, whether this experience is transferred to current trends at CZU, and how CZU responds to current challenges in its strategies, even for example from the point of view of expensive energy, which is a pan-European topic. The attention of the council members was also focused on academic failure and the tools that CZU uses to reduce it. The international evaluation (IEP – Institutional Evaluation Programme), which CZU is undergoing in 2022, was perceived very positively. Council members also discussed the rules of habilitation and appointment procedures with the university management," summarizes the course of the session prof. Petr Valášek – Vice-Rector for Quality of Academic Activities.