There are increasing opportunities for cascade funding in Horizon Europe, where the beneficiary of support launches its calls for proposals during the project implementation.
These open calls are published on a dedicated page of the Funding & Tenders portal and the websites of individual projects, i.e., providers. Up to several dozen calls are continuously opened. Grant amounts usually exceed € 60,000; the project duration is generally less than one year.
Eligible applicants are mainly SMEs, but many calls are open to all innovators regardless of the type of organization. Applicants generally do not need to form a project consortium. Completing an application for a cascade grant tends to be time-saving.
This 'third party' funding, also known as Financial support to third parties (FSTP), is governed by the Horizon Europe Framework Programme rules.
Contact Lenka Švejcarová, NCP for Cluster 4, for more information.
Alternatively, information on cascading funding in Horizon Europe can be obtained from presentations stored in the European National Contact Portal.
Source: Horizon Europe