Programme title: National Recovery Plan
Project title EN: Transformation of the CZU Prague
Project title CZ: Transformace ČZU
Call title: Call for project proposals under the National Recovery Plan for Higher Education 2022-2024
Project Registration Number: NPO_ČZU_MSMT-16607/2022
Project description
The project aims to meet the objectives set out in reform 3.2.1 of the National Recovery Plan "Transforming universities to adapt to new forms of learning and in response to changing labour market needs in the post-covid recovery" (component 3.2 "Adaptation of capacity and focus of school programmes"). This will contribute, among other things, to the fulfilment of the priority objectives of the Ministry's Strategic Plan for Higher Education for the period from 2021 ("SZ2021+"), the Strategy for the Internationalisation of Higher Education for the period from 2021 and the related strategic documents of the individual public universities.
The call is aimed at meeting the objectives set out in the reform. The call is divided into three specific objectives:
Specific objective A: Transformation of the CZU Prague in order to adapt to new forms of learning and the changing needs of the labour market, further divided into four sub-specific objectives:
- Specific objective A1: Digitization of educational activities and study agendas;
- Specific objective A2: Development in distance learning, online learning and blended learning;
- Specific objective A3: Creation of new professionally oriented study programmes;
- Specific objective A4: Upskilling or reskilling courses.
Specific objective B: Creation of new study programmes in progressive fields.
Specific objective C1: Improving access to education at the university level through micro-credentials.
Specific objective C2: Safety of distance learning.
Specific objective C3: Digitization of activities directly related to the provision of educational activities and administrative tasks associated with the study agenda.
Specific objective A is aimed at supporting the fulfilment of the vision of CZU Prague as a university with a digital campus, which applies all the knowledge and experience from this transition internationally in its educational and creative activities and in cooperation with partners. This objective will be pursued in line with the focus of the call, supporting adaptation to new forms of learning and in response to changing labour market needs.
Within the specific objective B1, the project aims to create a study programme in Precision Agriculture and after its successful accreditation, it will be deployed in the teaching at CZU.
Under specific objective C1, the aim is to improve the permeability of education at the level of universities through micro-certificates, as well as the digitisation of activities related to the provision of educational activities and administrative tasks associated with the study agenda.
Within the framework of specific objective C2, the aim is to systematically ensure the comprehensive safety of distance learning, including directly related activities, both from a technical and procedural point of view, based on existing recommendations, standards, procedures or methodologies.
Within the specific objective C3, is the fulfillment of the objectives set out in the NRP Call, which are the issuance of digital study documents, ensuring their verifiability, addressing the requirements placed on students about the study agenda and the servicing of studies, from enrolment to graduation, addressing feasible changes towards the digitization of agendas that are the responsibility of HEIs.
Budget (total eligible expenditures): 175 825 787 CZK
Project implementation period: 1. 7. 2022 – 30. 6. 2024
Involved university units:
- Faculty of Economics and Management
- Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Environmental Sciences
- Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences
- Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences
- Institute of Education and Communication
- Rectorate
Specific objective A coordinator: prof. Ing. Václav Hejnák, Ph.D.
Specific objective B coordinator: Mgr. Eva Hnátková
Coordinators of sub-specific objectives C1, C2 and C3: prof. Ing. Jiří Remeš, Ph.D., prof. Ing. Petr Valášek, Ph.D., Ing. Petr Vlachynský
Project managers: Ing. Ladislav Král, Ing. Karolína Šlechtová, Ing. Monika Divišová, Ph.D.
Financial managers: Ing. Lucie Peterková, Ing. Martina Filgasová, Ing. Hana Tesson, MBA