The total amount of subsidy: 30 855 976 CZK
OP RDI: 20 982 063,68 CZK
ERDF (85%): 17 834 754,12 CZK
SB (15%): 3 147 309,56 CZK
Project implementation period 2. 9. 2014 – 31. 12. 2015
Principal Investigator (part of the CZU): Fakulty of Environmental Studies (FES)
Expert guarantor Vladislav Chrastný
Contact person Jakub Nevěřil
The project aims to build a state-of-the-art workplace focused on the development and application of isotope analysis methods in the fields of environmental geochemistry, biogeochemistry and human medicine to improve the quality of teaching and strengthen the competitiveness and scientific and academic prestige of CZU. The newly built dynamic workplace will arouse the interest of foreign experts, students of continuing master's and doctoral studies (domestic and foreign), as well as foreign postdoctoral fellows, will increase the competitiveness of the University in obtaining especially prestigious European grants and will enable the deepening of existing and establishing new cooperation with European and non-European partners. The project will significantly contribute to the development of research, development and innovation and at the same time strengthen the transfer of modern scientific approaches to existing and new study programmes.