Project title CZ: Realizace proof-of-concept aktivit ČZU na podporu transferu technologií a znalostí do praxe
Project registration number: CZ.07.1.02/0.0/0.0/17_049/0000815
Beneficiary: Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague
Subsidy provider: Capital City of Prague
Programme title: OP Prague - Growth Pole of the Czech Republic
Priority Axis 1: Strengthening research, technological development and innovation
Specific objective 1.1: Higher ratio of intersectoral cooperation stimulated by the regional government
The scope of the project is the technical and market validation of 9 sub-projects, which were generated by various faculties of the CZU Prague and formulated by its Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer. The result of this project are technologies or solutions that have commercial potential and can be used in the City of Prague or its organisations. In this way, the City of Prague will provide its citizens with access to modern technologies through "proof-of-concept" activities.
Time of solution: 1. 1. 2019 - 30. 6. 2021
Budget (total eligible expenditures): 37 109 513,64 CZK
Financial support provided by the OP: 33 398 562,27 CZK
Co-financing of CZU Prague: 3 710 951,37 CZK