Programme title: OP Research, Development and Education
Call number: 02_16_016
Call title: ERDF call for HEIs
Project title EN: High-tech technological-educational pavilion of the FFWS
Project title CZ: High-tech technologicko-výukový pavilon FLD
Project registration number: CZ.02.2.67/0.0/0.0/16_016/0002471
Project description
The project will enable the construction of a high-tech technological and educational pavilion for the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences (FFWS/FLD) and provide high-tech infrastructure incl. SW and HW equipment for practical teaching BA and MA degree programmes according to practice and labour market needs. State-of-the-art working conditions and the learning environment will meet the requirements for students with special needs. At the same time, new and re-accredited study programmes will be introduced. The new pavilion will also be used for existing courses. The current Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences premises do not provide a sufficient learning environment. The outputs are in line with both Call No. 16 and 15 of the OP RDE.
Budget (total eligible expenditures): 195 417 003,97 CZK
Project implementation period: 1. 7. 2017 – 31. 12. 2019
Involved university unit: Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences
Project Coordinator: Ing. Radek Rinn
Project Manager: Ing. Lucie Remešová
This project is co-financed by the EU