Programme title: OP Research, Development and Education
Call number: 02_16_017
Call title: Research infrastructures for educational purposes - building or modernising
Project title EN: Research and educational infrastructure for National Initiative - Industry 4.0
Project title CZ: Výzkumná a vzdělávací infrastruktura pro podporu národní iniciativy Průmysl 4.0
Project registration number: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_017/0002634
Project description
The project focuses on the development of instrumentation and laboratory equipment for the new DSP Process and Information Engineering in the Agrarian Sector (FE CZU): the Laboratory of Security Systems, the Laboratory of Numerical Calculations, the Department of Synthetic Materials and Composites, the Laboratory of Technical Disciplines and the Laboratory Soil Channel, as well as for the modernized DSP Systems Engineering and Informatics (FEM CZU): the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Processing and the Laboratory of Mathematical Modelling and Simulations.
Budget (total eligible expenditures): 65 010 411,90 CZK
Project implementation period: 1. 7. 2017 – 30. 6. 2020
Involved university units
- Faculty of Economics and Management
- Faculty of Engineering
Project Coordinator: doc. Ing. Rostislav Chotěborský, Ph.D.
Project Manager: Ing. Ladislav Král
This project is co-financed by the EU