Programme title: OP Research, Development and Education
Call number: 02_16_018
Call title: Development of research-oriented study programmes
Project title EN: Development of research-oriented study programmes at CZU in Prague
Project title CZ: Rozvoj výzkumně zaměřených studijních programů ČZU v Praze
Project registration number: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_018/0002734
Project description
The project is aimed at improving the quality of doctoral study programmes (DSP) at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague (CZU). The joint project of four faculties of the CZU, the Rector's Office and the Institute of Education and Communication will enable, with the participation of foreign experts, the modernisation of one existing DSP, the creation of one new DSP and the creation of one interfaculty interdisciplinary DSP, to which the doctoral school will be linked. The project is in line with the strategic plan of the CZU and the RIS3.
Budget (total eligible expenditures): 7 035 792,12 CZK
Project implementation period: 1.7.2017 – 30.9.2022
Involved university units
- Faculty of Economics and Management
- Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences
- Institute of Education and Communication
- Rectorate
Project Coordinator: prof. Mgr. Ing. Markéta Sedmíková, Ph.D.
Project Manager: Ing. Jakub Nevěřil
This project is co-financed by the EU.