Programme title: OP Research, Development and Education
Call number: 02_16_027
Call title: International mobility of researchers in priority axis OP 2
Project title EN: Supporting the development of international mobility of research staff at CZU Prague (PROMO)
Project title CZ: Podpora rozvoje mezinárodních mobilit výzkumných pracovníků ČZU v Praze (PROMO)
Project Registration Number: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_027/0008366
Project description
The project supports the development of international mobility of researchers in connection with the main strategic documents of CZU Prague, which emphasize the deepening of internationalization and the development of scientific and research activities towards higher quality. This includes both the arrival of researchers from abroad (15 in the junior category and 6 in the senior category), who will work at the CZU Prague for an average duration of 11 months, and researchers from the CZU (8 in the junior category and 7 in the senior category), who will carry out their internships at foreign research organisations (with an average mobility duration of 6 months).
Budget (total eligible expenditures): 41 836 188 CZK
Project implementation period: 1.4.2018 – 30.9.2020
Involved university units:
- Faculty of Economics and Management
- Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Environmental Sciences
- Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences
- Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences
- Institute of Education and Communication
- Rectorate
Project coordinator: prof. PhDr. Michal Lošťák, Ph.D.
Project manager: Ing. Lucie Gallagher, MSc.
This project is co-financed by the EU