Navigating Brussels with ELLS 2024

How can the EU help you to develop your scientific career? Do you want to delve into the realm of European research? 

Register on 3 days intensive course organised by ELLS ST Research Support Office and:

  • Get to know the European research programmes for young scientists
  • Experience project development in an intercultural interdisciplinary international team
  • Network with colleagues and friends from around Europe
  • Get to know the secrets of Brussels institutions and European policies

Venue: Brussels, Belgium

Date: 4 - 6th June 2024

Application: Until 15 February 2024 (limited to 24 applicants, 3 per institution)

What does this course include?

The course consists of a mix of presentations, site visits, workshops and networking opportunities that will provide participants with...

  • an introduction to European research programmes for young scientists and to key elements of grant writing
  • tools to assess the current status of their career, to identify strengths and fields for development
  • a better understanding of the workings of European research policy and funding and incorporate this knowledge in future project applications
  • knowledge about research-related job opportunities outside of academia and industry

Who can apply?

This course is designed for junior post docs (1 yr < PhD < 3 yrs). To make the course interactive, the number of participants is limited to a maximum of 24 persons, i.e. three slots / university. The registration is binding. Repeat participation is not possible.

Read more and register: Navigating Brussels with ELLS: Euroleague for Life Sciences (


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