Step 1: Project Vision
Formulate a basic vision of the project – the type of research (basic research/applied research/experimental development), field of research - biological/agricultural/environmental/technical). Consider the anticipated achievable results or project outcomes.
Step 2: What are the financing possibilities?
Review the current calls and overview of providers on this site. If you are considering an applied research or experimental development project proposal, there may be a suitable partner in the commercial sector with the potential for co-financing the project from its own resources.
Step 3: Methodical materials for proposers
The Department for Strategic Planning (DSP) provides methodical materials for individual calls on the intranet and on this site for researchers, including general information with indicators and data about CZU and drafts of annexes for planned projects, etc.
Step 4: Consultation with the Project Centre
Before you start creating a specific request, consider consulting a line supervisor and faculty representative of the Project Centre. This consultation is more than recommended in the event that the provider requires a financial contribution, and it is mandatory if the provider limits the number of submitted applications per institution (e.g. calls in the de minimis regime or standard public contracts regime).
Step 5: Partners and project team
Consider with which colleagues from CZU or external organizations you want to submit the application. A well-assembled team increases the chance for the application to be accepted. When assembling your team, be sure to secure the project and financial management.
Step 6: Well-defined activities and a transparent budget
A realistic timetable of activities must be based on the knowledge and experience of the researcher team; when creating your budget, consultation with the Project Centre or DSP can be used.
Step 7: Submitting project applications
Project proposals are signed by the statutory representative via DSP after registration and approval of the project proposal in the DMS Livelink registration form (when submitting a project proposal, the procedure according to Rector’s Directive No. 2/ 2016, Principles and procedures for registering, records and accounting of external grants and projects is used).
Step 8: Signing of grant contract and beginning of project solving
If a project proposal is approved, DSP mediates the signing of a grant or co-researcher contract, assigning of the contract number and entering the scientific research project in the scientific research projects database for reporting the results of the project in the application. The researcher shall be obliged to proceed in accordance with Rector’s Directive No. 2/2016, Principles and procedures for registering, records and accounting of external grants and projects.
Step 9: Success deserves remuneration
Check whether your acquired project falls into the category of projects remunerated according to Directive No. 4/2013, Procedure for payment of remuneration to successful applicants within selected grant programmes.
Where to look for collaboration - who will help me write the project?
In the event of any doubts or questions, DSP can be contacted during any step, and it will provide comprehensive methodological support. Project applications are usually written by the applicants themselves; only in this way they can be sure that they can take full responsibility for the budget and planned outputs of the applications.