1. When can I start the recognition of my education by the internal evaluation process?

You need to be accepted to one of the programs at CZU first, without being accepted as CZU student you can´t choose this option. After your admission, you will be informed about required documents.

2. When should I pay the evaluation fee?

After your admission you will be contacted by your faculty or the study department of the rectorate with an information email. Usually, after you repply on this email or send the scans of your documents, your evaluation fee will be set. See the guide, how to proceed the payment in "Foreign Education Evaluation" article. Without the payment the evaluation can´t be processed. This fee is not refundable.

3. Do I need to send my academic documents to CZU by mail, in hard copies?

We require your documents in hard copies delivered by proper mail, DHL etc. There is partial exception for the EU countries, United Kingdom,  Iceland, Norway, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, see the article „Authentication of Documents“.

4. Do I need to send to CZU original documents or are copies sufficient?

The evaluation procedure can be successfully finished only with notarized copies of your academic documents. Plain copies can´t be accepted. Notarized copies of your documents: don´t forget that every page where something is written, signed or stamped needs to be notarized, as we need to trust not only the upper sides but also the undersides, where are apostilles, superlegalization stickers, notary´s stamps etc quite often.

5. Do I need to send to CZU originals in my language? Or just English or Czech translations?

We require notarized copies of your documents in your language, firmly bound with the official translation by a sworn translator, so that no page can be substituted. The notaries or translators do so. The documents bound only with a stapler would not be accepted.

6. Who can translate my academic documents?

Only registered and authorized official sworn translators can translate your academic documents. Translations from unregistered translators neither translations agencies won´t be accepted. All parts of your documents must be in English or translated into English (or Czech) – including the notaries´ and translators´ clauses, stamps etc.

7. What does it mean an eligibility statement?

The bachelor´s programs applicants should supply an eligibility statement from their secondary school. In the document your school confirms that your high-school education makes you eligible to study a bachelor program in country of your study. It states who is your school accredited from  (town, municipality, state) and if the school is private or state directed. (a document signed and stamped by the high-school authority; a template can be provided by CZU).

8. How long will the internal evaluation take?

The process may take 2-8 weeks, especially if there is bigger number of applications. This period should be count from the moment, when the faculty or rectorate has all complete and sufficient documents from the applicant and the evaluation fee is paid.

9. How long is the internal evaluation of my documents valid?

As the internal evaluation procedure is a part of the admission process, the recognized documents are valid only for that specific program in the particular academic year. If you want to study another program or you want to study next year, you need to reapply for the internal evaluation. 

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