Scientists from the CZU have purposefully chosen stand protected from severe disturbances for more than 300 years, which, however, experienced eventually large-scale disruption after 2007. The authors explain this drastic change by the long-term development of the stand without stronger disturbances with the subsequent development of a stand more susceptible to disintegration, climate change and possibly indirect anthropogenic influence.
The study further indicates that although the stands were very old, slightly to medium-strongly disturbed and today are represented in our territory rather in minority, their importance for the ecosystem is unquestionable. They are characterized by high biodiversity, are an ideal environment for various species of fungi and lichens and in larger areas are even a refuge for several species of mammals and birds. The key question remains how much of the landscape mosaic these very old stands should occupy. To approximate the management systems to the natural processes and the associated benefits, it would be appropriate in certain stands to apply mixed intensities of combined silvicultural and regeneration techniques at different spatial and temporal scales with extended regeneration period.
Ing. Pavel Janda, Ph.D.
Janda, P; Svoboda, M; Bace, R; Cada, V; Peck, JE (2014): Three hundred years of spatio-temporal development in a primary mountain Norway spruce stand in the Bohemian Forest, central Europe; Forest ecology and management,330 304-311.