ELLS offers:
- International Master Programmes
- Scientific Student Conferences
- Summer Schools/Intensive Programmes
- Student Exchange
- Grants and Awards
- International Networking
- Joint Teaching and Lecturer Mobility
ELLS member universities
- CZU - Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
- WUR - Wageningen University and Research Centre
- SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
- UHOH - University of Hohenheim
- BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
- SGGW - Warsaw University of Life Sciences
ELLS observer universities from 2023
ELLS international partner universities
- HUJI - Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
- LU - Lincoln University, New Zealand
ELLS Board
- The ELLS Board consists of Rectors from the 6 member universities and 1 member of the ELSA student association.
- Currently, ELLS Presidency and ELLS Board Secretariat is chaired by Wageningen University and Research.
- The ELLS Board meets 2x a year (ELLS Spring meeting and ELLS Conference).
ELLS Task Force
- The ELLS Task Force is a consultative committee which submits new proposals to the ELLS Board in close cooperation with ELLS Subject Areas, ELLS Support Teams, and ELSA student organisation
- ELLS Task Force meets 2x a year (ELLS Spring Meeting and ELLS Conference) and holds 3 - 4 video link meetings in a year together with ELLS IRO Support Team
- ELLS Task Force has 12 members (6 from the member, 4 from the observer and 2 from the partner universities).
ELLS Subject Areas
Information on ELLS Subject Areas and their activities can be seen HERE
ELLS Support Teams
The ELLS Support Teams are consultative and executive teams of experts - more info HERE.
ELSA Student Association
The Euroleague Student Association (ELSA) is an organisation in which students from each of the ELLS member and partner universities work together to enhance student mobility as well as stimulate international cooperation and cultural understanding.
The goals of ELSA are to strengthen the cooperation of the universities, to bring students together and to give them the opportunity to work in an international context. More information HERE
Contact person of the ELLS network at CZU: Mikuláš Josek, Email: josek@rektorat.czu.cz, Tel: +420 224 382 072
Active members of the ELLS network at CZU: