Summer school in Thailand 2023

Topic? Value chain management

When? 1st August to 18th August 2023

Where? Faculty of Natural Resources, Prince of Songkla University (PSU), Thailand


The summer school is designed as a combination of theoretical teaching, teamwork and includes field trips and data collection in field. In order to successfully complete the summer school, it will be necessary to defend the final teamwork in the form of a presentation, poster and research report. Upon completion, students receive a certificate and confirmation of participation and 5 ECTS.

What can you expect?

  • Value chain analyses
  • Leadership and management
  • Farmers’ groups
  • Market survey (PSU Farmer’s Market, Science Park)
  • Creative thinking
  • Field trip
  • Ice breakers
  • Cultural exchanges

How to apply?

Send your CV and motivation letter in English by 24 March 2023 (12:00) to email:

Costs: Summer school participation is free of charge (covered by the CZU). Students are required to cover their travel costs, daily allowances, and accommodation.

For inspiration: a similar summer school was organized in 2019 at Chiang Mai University. You can download the report:


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