Michurinsk State Agrarian University in cooperation with Belgorod State Agrarian University plans to organize Summer school “From Field to Fork – from Tree to Mouth: Agricultural Production for Food Security and Import Substitution”. The school programme is supported by DAAD for German students, but we would like to make it more international and to invite the students from Czech University of Life Sciences for participation too.
More detailed information and school description could be found at our website http://intern.mgau.ru/students/samscool.php http://intern.mgau.ru/students/samscool.php , or please see enclosed a short announcement. Please also view the detailed summer school programme here http://intern.mgau.ru/students/sumschool_progr.php http://intern.mgau.ru/students/sumschool_progr.php or at the website of our partners https://www.daad.de/ausland/prg/goeast/de/67757-ausschreibung-go-east-sommerschulen-01/ https://www.daad.de/ausland/prg/goeast/de/67757-ausschreibung-go-east-sommerschulen-01/ . It is possible to participate in the programme of one city chosen. Feel free to enquire for any further information.